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Job Opportunities






Kenyatta University Council wishes to invite applications from eminent individuals who are suitably qualified with outstanding academic and professional credentials and relevant administrative experience for the position of Project Leader in the newly established KU-WEE Hub.


Duties and Responsibilities;

While reporting to the Hub Leader the Kenyatta University Women Economic Empowerment (KU-WEE) project leader will be expected to:

  1. Successfully implement, monitor, manage risk and report on the project, develop project strategy and focus, and coordinate with all stakeholders for research and policy development.
  2. Ensure regular financial and program reporting in line with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF),University requirements, effective and efficient use of project resources, proper grant disbursement, use and reporting.
  • Prioritize, plan, design, execute, monitor, control and closure of the project.
  1. Work closely with BMGF to develop and refine the project strategy and the research coordinator to ensure efficient implementation of the research activities.
  2. Do the resourcing and facilitate hub staff in executing their mandate.
  3. Provide secretarial services to the technical committee of the Hub and ensure that the decisions of the technical committee are available to the Hub leader and the research coordinator.
  • Work closely with the research coordinator and regularly brief the Hub Leader on the progress of the research agenda.
  • Be in-charge of the day-to-day running of the Hub.
  1. Undertake other duties as delegated to him/her by the Hub Leader.

      Key Qualifications & Experience:

  1. An earned Ph.D degree from a reputable and recognized University
  2. Must be at least a Senior Lecturer.
  • At least five (5) years working experience in a Government Institution at the Policy Implementation level.
  1. Possess significant and extensive expertise in research on gender and women’s economic empowerment.
  2. Should be a recognized gender champion and advocate.
  3. Should demonstrate leadership skills, teamwork ability, possess firm, fair, all-inclusive and transparent management style and zeal to work under pressure to meet strict deadlines.
  • Must be a renowned scholar and researcher both locally and internationally with an ability to portray and uphold positive national and international image and work in a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic environment with sensitivity to and respect for diversity.
  • Have excellent organizational, interpersonal and effective communication skills as well as logical and sound decision making ability.
  1. Be of highest ethical standards, integrity, accountability and professionalism.


The terms of Service for these positions is a five (5) year non-renewable contract.

Applicants should submit application letter, certificates and testimonials by writing directly to:


Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration)

Kenyatta University

  1. O. BOX 43844 – 00100



Not later than, 27th November 2020


Kenyatta University is an equal opportunity employer and canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification.


Women and persons with disability are encouraged to apply.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

>>>>Internal Advert- KU Women Economic Empowerment  Project Leader


new ku logo



Kenyatta University seeks to recruit competent and dedicated applicants to fill up the following





  • An earned PhD Degree or its equivalent in Medicine or Public Health from an accredited and recognized University.
  • Masters Degree or its equivalent with specialization in Neurosurgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery, General Surgery, Urology, Plastic Surgery or  Paediatric from an accredited and recognized University.
  • At least three (3) years of university teaching experience as Associate Professor
  • Successfully supervised at least Five (5) Postgraduate students to completion and at least two (2) at Doctoral Level since being appointed Associate Professor.
  • A minimum of cumulative sixty (60) publication points** of which at least forty (40) should be from articles in refereed scholarly journals after being appointed Associate Professor.
  • Evidence of successfully applying for a grant either individually or as a group after being appointed as Associate Professor.
  • Evidence of attendance and contribution at learning conferences, seminars and workshops.
  • Registration by the KMPDC and a valid practicing license.


  • An earned PhD Degree or its equivalent in Medicine or Public Health from an accredited and recognized University.
  • Masters Degree or its equivalent with specialization in Neurosurgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery, General Surgery, Urology ,Plastic Surgery or  Paediatric from an accredited and recognized University
  • At least three (3) years of university teaching experience as Senior Lecturer.
  • A minimum of cumulative Forty Eight (48) publication points*, of which  Thirty Two (32) are from articles in refereed scholarly journals after being appointed Senior Lecturer.
  • Successful supervision of at least four (4) post graduate students including at least one (1) doctoral student as senior Lecturer.
  • Evidence of applying for a grant either individually or as a group after being appointed as Lecturer.
  • Evidence of attendance and contribution at learned conferences, seminars or workshops.
  • Registration by the KMPDC and a valid practicing license.


  • Masters Degree or its equivalent with specialization in Neurosurgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery, General Surgery, Urology ,Plastic Surgery or  Paediatric from an accredited and recognized University
  • At least three (3) years of teaching experience at University level as Lecturer or research / industry experience.
  • A minimum of cumulative Thirty Two (32) publication points* of which Twenty Four (24) are from articles in refereed scholarly journals after being appointed Lecturer
  • Successful supervision of at least three (3) post graduate students as lecturer.
  • Evidence of applying for a grant either individually or as a group after being appointed as Lecturer.
  • Evidence of attendance and contribution at learned conferences, seminars or workshops.
  • Registration by the KMPDC and a valid practicing license.
  • PhD. or Fellowship will be an added advantage.
  • Evidence of Ph.D registration or candidates must be ready to pursue PhD. in the outlined areaa of specialization

IV.             LECTURER

  • Masters Degree or its equivalent with specialization in Neurosurgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery, General Surgery, Urology, Plastic Surgery or  Paediatric from an accredited and recognized University.
  • At least three (3) years University teaching or Research/ Industry experience.
  • Registration by the KMPDC and a valid practicing license.
  • PhD. or Fellowship will be an added advantage.
  • PhD. registration will be an added advantage
Non PhD. Applicants must be prepared to pursue PhD. in the specifies areas of Specialization



    1. MSc. Degree in Medical Microbiology from an accredited and   recognized University.
    2. BSc. Degree from a recognized University
    3. KCSE mean Grade C+ (plus) or equivalent and above.
    4. Have at least three (3) years relevant working experience in a Clinical laboratory
    5. Be computer literate
    6. Demonstrate leadership and administrative skills
    7. Must be registered by the Kenya Medical Laboratory Technicians and Technologist Board.
    8. Have a valid practice License.

    Candidates with a B.Sc. Degree in the fields above or their equivalents may also be considered on condition that they have at least eight (8) years relevant work experience

        II.    TECHNICIAN – C/D.

    1. B.Sc. or Higher National Diploma (HND) from a recognized institution in any of the following areas:
    2. Immunology
    3. Medical Parasitology
    4. KCSE mean Grade C (plain)  or equivalent and above
    5. At least three (3) years relevant working experience in  a teaching laboratory
    6. Computer literate
    7. Demonstrate leadership and administrative skills.
    8. Must be registered by the Kenya Medical Laboratory Technicians and Technologist Board.
    Have a valid practice License.




  • An earned PhD Degree or its equivalent in Diagnostic Radiology from an accredited and recognized University.
  • MMed. Or equivalent Degree or its equivalent from an accredited and recognized University.
  • At least three (3) years of university teaching experience as Associate Professor
  • Successfully supervised at least Five (5) Postgraduate students to completion and at least two (2) at Doctoral Level since being appointed Associate Professor.
  • A minimum of cumulative sixty (60) publication points** of which at least forty (40) should be from articles in refereed scholarly journals after being appointed Associate Professor.
  • Evidence of successfully applying for a grant either individually or as a group after being appointed as Associate Professor.
  • Evidence of attendance and contribution at learning conferences, seminars and workshops.
  • Registration by the KMPDC and a valid practicing license.


  • An earned PhD Degree or its equivalent in Diagnostic Radiology from an accredited and recognized University.
  • MMed. Or equivalent Degree or its equivalent from an accredited and recognized University.
  • At least three (3) years of university teaching experience as Senior Lecturer.
  • A minimum of cumulative Forty Eight (48) publication points*, of which Thirty Two (32) are from articles in refereed scholarly journals after being appointed Senior Lecturer.
  • Successful supervision of at least four (4) post graduate students including at least one (1) doctoral student as senior Lecturer.
  • Evidence of applying for a grant either individually or as a group after being appointed as Lecturer.
  • Evidence of attendance and contribution at learned conferences, seminars or workshops.
  • Registration by the KMPDC and a valid practicing license.


III.                   SENIOR LECTURER

  •  MMed.  in Diagnostic Radiology or  its equivalent from an accredited and   recognized University.
  • At least three (3) years of teaching experience at University level as Lecturer or research / industry experience.
  • A minimum of cumulative Thirty Two (32) publication points* of which Twenty Four (24) are from articles in refereed scholarly journals after being appointed Lecturer
  • Successful supervision of at least three (3) post graduate students as lecturer.
  • Evidence of applying for a grant either individually or as a group after being appointed as Lecturer.
  • Evidence of attendance and contribution at learned conferences, seminars or workshops.
  • Registration by the KMPDC and a valid practicing license.
  • PhD. or Fellowship will be an added advantage.
  • Evidence of Ph.D registration or candidates must be ready to pursue PhD. in the outlined areas of specialization

IV.             LECTURER

  • MMed.  in Diagnostic Radiology or  its equivalent from an accredited and   recognized University.
  • At least three (3) years University teaching or Research/ Industry experienc
  • Registration by the KMPDC and a valid practicing license.
  • PhD. or Fellowship will be an added advantage.
  • PhD. registration will be an added advantage

V.              TUTORIAL FELLOW

  • MMed.  in Diagnostic Radiology or  its equivalent from an accredited and   recognized University.
  • Applicants must be prepared to pursue Ph.D. in the  relevant  areas of specialization
  • PhD Registration will be an added advantage
  • Registration by the KMPDC and a valid practicing license.


  • Msc. Degree in Radiography from an accredited and   recognized University.
  • BSc. Degree in Radiography from a recognized University
  • KCSE mean Grade C+ (plus) or equivalent and above.
  • Have at least five (5) years relevant working experience in a busy hospital or Medical Training facility.
  • Be computer literate
  • Demonstrate leadership and administrative skills

Candidates with a B.Sc. Degree in the fields above or their equivalents may also be considered on condition that they have at least eight (8) years relevant work experience


  • B.Sc. or Higher National Diploma (HND) from a recognized institution in any of the following areas:
  • Radiography
  • Sonography
  • Computer Radiography
  • Nuclear Medicine
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  • KCSE mean Grade C(plain)  or equivalent and above
  • At least three (3) years relevant working experience in  a busy hospital or Medical Training facility.
  • Computer literate
  • Demonstrate leadership and administrative skills.




  • An earned PhD Degree or its equivalent in Medicine and Public Health from an accredited and recognized University.
  • MMed. in Psychiatry or equivalent Degree or its equivalent from an accredited and recognized University.
  • At least three (3) years of university teaching experience as Associate Professor
  • Successfully supervised at least Five (5) Postgraduate students to completion and at least two (2) at Doctoral Level since being appointed Associate Professor.
  • A minimum of cumulative sixty (60) publication points** of which at least forty (40) should be from articles in refereed scholarly journals after being appointed Associate Professor.
  • Evidence of successfully applying for a grant either individually or as a group after being appointed as Associate Professor.
  • Evidence of attendance and contribution at learning conferences, seminars and workshops.
  • Registration by the KMPDC and a valid practicing license.


  • An earned PhD Degree or its equivalent in Medicine and Public Helath from an accredited and recognized University.
  • MMed. in Psychiatry or equivalent Degree or its equivalent from an accredited and recognized University.
  • At least three (3) years of university teaching experience as Senior Lecturer.
  • A minimum of cumulative Forty Eight (48) publication points*, of which Thirty Two (32) are from articles in refereed scholarly journals after being appointed Senior Lecturer.
  • Successful supervision of at least four (4) post graduate students including at least one (1) doctoral student as senior Lecturer.
  • Evidence of applying for a grant either individually or as a group after being appointed as Lecturer.
  • Evidence of attendance and contribution at learned conferences, seminars or workshops.
  • Registration by the KMPDC and a valid practicing license.


  • MMed. in Psychiatry or equivalent Degree or its equivalent from an accredited and recognized University.
  • At least three (3) years of University teaching experience at University level as Lecturer or research / industry experience.
  • Successful supervision of at least three (3) post graduate students as lecturer.
  • Evidence of applying for a grant either individually or as a group after being appointed as Lecturer.
  • Evidence of attendance and contribution at learned conferences, seminars or workshops.
  • Registration by the KMPDC and a valid practicing license.
  • PhD. or Fellowship will be an added advantage.
  • Evidence of Ph.D registration or candidates must be ready to pursue PhD. in the outlined areas of specialization

IV.             LECTURER

  • MMed. in Psychiatry or equivalent Degree or its equivalent from an accredited and recognized University.
  • At least three (3) years University teaching or Research/ Industry experience.
  • Ready or interested in sub--specialization in the following areas
  • General Psychiatry
  • Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
  • Forensic Psychiatry
  • Geriatric Psychiatry
  • Registration by the KMPDC and a valid practicing license.
  • PhD. or Fellowship will be an added advantage.
  • PhD. registration will be an added advantage




  • An earned PhD Degree or its equivalent in Medicine or Public Health from an accredited and recognized University.
  • Masters Degree or its equivalent with specialization in the following areas; or their equivalents from an accredited and recognized University.
  • Internal Medicine
  • Gastroenterology
  • Rheumatology
  • Endocrinology
  • Cardiology
  • Pulmonology
  • Dermatology
  • Neurology
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Nephrology
  • Hemato/Oncology
  • MSc. in Pharmacology.
  • At least three (3) years of university teaching experience as Associate Professor
  • Successfully supervised at least Five (5) Postgraduate students to completion and at least two (2) at Doctoral Level since being appointed Associate Professor.
  • A minimum of cumulative sixty (60) publication points** of which at least forty (40) should be from articles in refereed scholarly journals after being appointed Associate Professor.
  • Evidence of successfully applying for a grant either individually or as a group after being appointed as Associate Professor.
  • Evidence of attendance and contribution at learning conferences, seminars and workshops.
  • Registration by the KMPDC and a valid practicing license.


  • An earned PhD Degree or its equivalent in Medicine or Public Health from an accredited and recognized University.
  • Masters Degree or its equivalent with specialization in the following areas; or their equivalents from an accredited and recognized University.
  • Internal Medicine
  • Gastroenterology
  • Rheumatology
  • Endocrinology
  • Cardiology
  • Pulmonology
  • Dermatology
  • Neurology
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Nephrology
  • Hemato/Oncology
  • MSc. in Pharmacology.
  • At least three (3) years of university teaching experience as Senior Lecturer.
  • A minimum of cumulative Forty Eight (48) publication points*, of which Thirty Two (32) are from articles in refereed scholarly journals after being appointed Senior Lecturer.
  • Successful supervision of at least four (4) post graduate students including at least one (1) doctoral student as senior Lecturer.
  • Evidence of applying for a grant either individually or as a group after being appointed as Lecturer.
  • Evidence of attendance and contribution at learned conferences, seminars or workshops.
  • Registration by the KMPDC and a valid practicing license.


  • Masters Degree or its equivalent with specialization in the following areas; or their equivalents from an accredited and recognized University.
  • Internal Medicine
  • Gastroenterology
  • Rheumatology
  • Endocrinology
  • Cardiology
  • Pulmonology
  • Dermatology
  • Neurology
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Nephrology
  • Hemato/Oncology
  • At least three (3) years of University teaching experience at University level as Lecturer or research / industry experience.
  • Successful supervision of at least three (3) post graduate students as lecturer.
  • Evidence of applying for a grant either individually or as a group after being appointed as Lecturer.
  • Evidence of attendance and contribution at learned conferences, seminars or workshops.
  • Registration by the KMPDC and a valid practicing license.
  • PhD. or Fellowship will be an added advantage.
  • Evidence of Ph.D registration or candidates must be ready to pursue PhD. in the outlined areas of specialization


  • MMed. in Internal Medicine or equivalent Degree or its equivalent from an accredited and recognized University.
  • At least three (3) years University teaching or Research/ Industry experience
  • Ready or interested in sub--specialization in the following areas
  • Gastroenterology
  • Rheumatology
  • Endocrinology
  • Cardiology
  • Pulmonology
  • Dermatology
  • Neurology
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Nephrology
  • Hemato/Oncology
  • Registration by the KMPDC and a valid practicing license.
  • PhD. or Fellowship will be an added advantage.
  • PhD. registration will be an added advantage





  •  MMed.  in Internal Medicine or  its equivalent from an accredited and   recognized University.
  • MSc. in Pharmacology from an accredited and   recognized University will be an added advantage
  • MBChB. or its equivalent from an accredited and   recognized University
  •  At least three (3) years of teaching experience at University level as Lecturer or research / industry experience.
  • A minimum of cumulative Thirty Two (32) publication points* of which Twenty Four (24) are from articles in refereed scholarly journals after being appointed Lecturer
  • Successful supervision of at least three (3) post graduate students as lecturer.
  • Evidence of applying for a grant either individually or as a group after being appointed as Lecturer.
  • Evidence of attendance and contribution at learned conferences, seminars or workshops.
  • Registration by the KMPDC and a valid practicing license.
  • PhD. or Fellowship will be an added advantage.
  • Evidence of Ph.D registration or candidates must be ready to pursue PhD. in the outlined areaa of specialization.


  • MMed.  in Internal Medicine or Pediatrics  or their equivalent from an accredited and   recognized University.
  • Interest in Pharmacology and Therapeutics.
  • Registration by the KMPDC and a valid practicing license.
  • PhD. or Fellowship will be an added advantage.
  • PhD. registration will be an added advantage




  • An earned PhD Degree or its equivalent in Medical Physiology with MBChB & MMed. in Physiology, Anaesthesia, Paediatrics, Internal Medicine or Surgery from an accredited and recognized University.
  • At least three (3) years of university teaching experience as Associate Professor
  • Successfully supervised at least Five (5) Postgraduate students to completion and at least two (2) at Doctoral Level since being appointed Associate Professor.
  • A minimum of cumulative sixty (60) publication points** of which at least forty (40) should be from articles in refereed scholarly journals after being appointed Associate Professor.
  • Evidence of successfully applying for a grant either individually or as a group after being appointed as Associate Professor.
  • Evidence of attendance and contribution at learning conferences, seminars and workshops.
  • Registration by the KMPDC and a valid practicing license.


  • An earned PhD Degree or its equivalent in Medical Physiology with MBChB & MMed. in Physiology, Anaesthesia, Paediatrics, Internal Medicine or Surgery from an accredited and recognized University.
  • At least three (3) years of university teaching experience as Senior Lecturer.
  • A minimum of cumulative Forty Eight (48) publication points*, of which Thirty Two (32) are from articles in refereed scholarly journals after being appointed Senior Lecturer.
  • Successful supervision of at least four (4) post graduate students including at least one (1) doctoral student as senior Lecturer.
  • Evidence of applying for a grant either individually or as a group after being appointed as Lecturer.
  • Evidence of attendance and contribution at learned conferences, seminars or workshops.
  • Registration by the KMPDC and a valid practicing license.

III.                   SENIOR LECTURER

  •  MBChB with MMed. in Physiology, Anaesthesia, Paediatrics, Internal Medicine  or Surgery from an accredited and recognized University.
  • An earned PhD Degree or its equivalent in Medical Physiology will be an added advantage.
  • At least three (3) years of teaching experience at University level as Lecturer or research / industry experience.
  • Publications after being appointed Lecturer will be an added advantage.
  • Successful supervision of at least three (3) post graduate students as lecturer.
  • Evidence of applying for a grant either individually or as a group after being appointed as Lecturer.
  • Evidence of attendance and contribution at learned conferences, seminars or workshops.
  • Registration by the KMPDC and a valid practicing license.
  • PhD. or Fellowship will be an added advantage.
  • Evidence of Ph.D registration or candidates must be ready to pursue PhD. in the outlined areas of specialization

IV.             LECTURER

  • MMed. in Physiology, Anaesthesia, Paediatrics, Internal Medicine  or Surgery from an accredited and recognized University

An earned Ph.D. degree with specialization in Medical Physiology with MSc. in Medical Physiology and  MBChB or BPharm.

  • At least three (3) years University teaching or Research/ Industry experience.
  • PhD. or Fellowship will be an added advantage for MMed. Candidates.
  • Registration by the KMPDC and a valid practicing license.

V.              TUTORIAL FELLOW

  • Masters in Medical Physiology, with MBChB or BPharm. or its equivalent from an accredited and   recognized University.
  • Applicants must be prepared to pursue Ph.D. in the  relevant  areas of specialization
  • PhD Registration will be an added advantage
  • Registration by the KMPDC and a valid practicing license.


  • Msc. Degree in Medical Laboratory Science from an accredited and   recognized University.
  • BSc. Degree from a recognized University
  • KCSE mean Grade C+ (plus) or equivalent and above.
  • Have at least three (3) years relevant working experience in a busy teaching laboratory as a Technician.
  • Be computer literate
  • Demonstrate leadership and administrative skills

Candidates with a B.Sc. Degree in the fields above or their equivalents may also be considered on condition that they have at least eight (8) years relevant work experience


  • B.Sc. or Higher National Diploma (HND) from a recognized institution in any of the following areas:
  • Neurophysiology
  • Applied Biology
  • Medical Laboratory Sciences
  • KCSE mean Grade C(plain)  or equivalent and above
  • At least three (3) years relevant working experience in  a Medical Training Facility
  • Computer literate
  • Demonstrate leadership and administrative skills.


  • Diploma from a recognized institution in any of the following areas:
  • Neurophysiology
  • Applied Biology
  • Medical Laboratory Sciences
  • KCSE mean Grade C-(Minus)  or equivalent and above
  • At least three (3) years relevant working experience in  a  busy hospital or Medical training facility.
  • Computer literate




  1. MSc. in Human Anatomy or  its equivalent from an accredited and   recognized University in the following areas of specialization
  2. MMed. in any Surgical specialty
  3. At least three (3) years of teaching experience at University level as Lecturer or research / industry experience.
  4. A minimum of cumulative Thirty Two (32) publication points* of which Twenty Four (24) are from articles in refereed scholarly journals after being appointed Lecturer
  5. Successful supervision of at least three (3) post graduate students as lecturer.
  6. Evidence of applying for a grant either individually or as a group after being appointed as Lecturer.
  7. Evidence of attendance and contribution at learned conferences, seminars or workshops.
  8. Registration by the KMPDC and a valid practicing license.
  9. PhD. or Fellowship will be an added advantage.
  10. Evidence of Ph.D registration or candidates must be ready to pursue PhD. in the outlined areas of specialization


  1. MMed.  in Surgical Disciplines from an accredited and   recognized University
  2. At least three (3) years University teaching or Research/ Industry experience.
  3. BSc. or an Msc. in Human Anatomy will be an added advantage.
  4. Registration by the KMPDC and a valid practicing license.
  5. PhD. or Fellowship will be an added advantage.
  6. PhD. registration will be an added advantage

            III.       SENIOR TECHNICIAN – GRADE E/F

  1. Msc. Degree in Human Anatomy with specialization in the following areas from accredited from an accredited and   recognized University.
  2. Mortuary Science
  3. Embalming
  4. Tissues Procession and Fixation
  5. Microscopy
  6. BSc. Degree from a recognized University
  7. KCSE mean Grade C+ (plus) or equivalent and above.
  8. Have at least three (3) years relevant working experience in a busy teaching laboratory as a Technician.
  9. Be computer literate
  10. Demonstrate leadership and administrative skills

Candidates with a B.Sc. Degree in the fields above or their equivalents may also be considered on condition that they have at least eight (8) years relevant work experience


  1. B.Sc. or Higher National Diploma (HND) from a recognized institution in any of the following areas:
  2. Mortuary Science
  3. Embalming
  4. Tissues Procession and Fixation
  5. Microscopy
  6. KCSE mean Grade C(plain)  or equivalent and above
  7. At least three (3) years relevant working experience in  a Medical Training Facility
  8. Computer literate
  9. Demonstrate leadership and administrative skills.

Candidates with a Diploma Degree in the fields above or their equivalents may also be considered on condition that they have at least eight (8) years relevant work experience



    • MMed. and sub-specialization  in the following disciplines, from an accredited and   recognized University
    • Haematology/Oncology
    • Neurology
    • Dermatology
    • Neonatology
    • Cardiology
    • At least three (3) years University teaching or Research/ Industry experience.
    • Registration by the KMPDC and a valid practicing license
    • PhD. or Fellowship will be an added advantage.
    • PhD. registration will be an added advantage



    • MMed.  in the following sub-specialties from an accredited and   recognized University
    • ENT Surgery
    • Radiology
    • Ophthalmology
    • Anaesthesia
    • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
    • At least three (3) years University teaching or Research/ Industry experience.
    • Registration by the KMPDC and a valid practicing license.
    • PhD. or Fellowship will be an added advantage.
    • PhD. registration will be an added advantage




  1. An earned PhD Degree or its equivalent in Public Health, Anatomy or any other related and relevant field from an accredited and recognized University.
  2. MMed.  in Orthopaedics Surgery and Trauma or equivalent from an accredited and   recognized University
  3. At least three (3) years of university teaching experience as Associate Professor
  4. Successfully supervised at least Five (5) Postgraduate students to completion and at least two (2) at Doctoral Level since being appointed Associate Professor.
  5. A minimum of cumulative sixty (60) publication points** of which at least forty (40) should be from articles in refereed scholarly journals after being appointed Associate Professor.
  6. Evidence of successfully applying for a grant either individually or as a group after being appointed as Associate Professor.
  7. Evidence of attendance and contribution at learning conferences, seminars and workshops.
  8. Registration by the KMPDC and a valid practicing license.


  1. MMed.  in Orthopaedics Surgery and Trauma or equivalent from an accredited and   recognized University
  2. An earned PhD Degree or its equivalent in Public Health, Anatomy or any other related and relevant field from an accredited and recognized University will be an added advantage.
  3. At least three (3) years of university teaching experience as Senior Lecturer.
  4. A minimum of cumulative Forty Eight (48) publication points*, of which Thirty Two (32) are from articles in refereed scholarly journals after being appointed Senior Lecturer.
  5. Successful supervision of at least four (4) post graduate students including at least one (1) doctoral student as senior Lecturer.
  6. Evidence of applying for a grant either individually or as a group after being appointed as Lecturer.
  7. Evidence of attendance and contribution at learned conferences, seminars or workshops.
  8. Registration by the KMPDC and a valid practicing license.

III.               SENIOR LECTURER

  1. An earned PhD Degree or its equivalent in Public Health, Anatomy or any other related and relevant field from an accredited and recognized University.
  2. MMed.  in Orthopaedics Surgery and Trauma or equivalent from an accredited and   recognized University
  3. At least three (3) years of teaching experience at University level as Lecturer or research / industry experience.
  4. A minimum of cumulative Thirty Two (32) publication points* of which Twenty Four (24) are from articles in refereed scholarly journals after being appointed Lecturer
  5. Successful supervision of at least three (3) post graduate students as lecturer.
  6. Evidence of applying for a grant either individually or as a group after being appointed as Lecturer.
  7. Evidence of attendance and contribution at learned conferences, seminars or workshops.
  8. Registration by the KMPDC and a valid practicing license.
  9. PhD. or Fellowship will be an added advantage.
  10. Evidence of Ph.D registration or candidates must be ready to pursue PhD. in the outlined areas of specialization


  1. MMed.  in Orthopaedics Surgery and Trauma or equivalent from an accredited and   recognized University
  2. At least three (3) years University teaching or Research/ Industry experience.
  3. Registration by the KMPDC and a valid practicing license.
  4. PhD. or Fellowship will be an added advantage.
  5. PhD. registration will be an added advantage


  • B.Sc. or Higher National Diploma (HND) from a recognized institution in Orthotrauma Technology
  • KCSE mean Grade C(plain)  or equivalent and above
  • At least three (3) years relevant working experience in  a busy hospital or Medical Training facility.
  • Computer literate
  • Demonstrate leadership and administrative skills.




  1. MMed.  in General Pathology, Anatomic Pathology or Clinical Pathology or  equivalent from an accredited and   recognized University
  2. At least three (3) years University teaching or Research/ Industry experience.
  3. Registration by the KMPDC and a valid practicing license.
  4. PhD. or Fellowship will be an added advantage.
  5. PhD. registration will be an added advantage


  • B.Sc. or Higher National Diploma (HND) from a recognized institution in Histology or Cytotechnology
  • KCSE mean Grade C(plain)  or equivalent and above
  • At least three (3) years relevant working experience a Medical Laboratory
  • Registered by KMLTTB and valid practicing license.
  • Computer literate
  • Demonstrate leadership and administrative skills.



    • An earned PhD. Degree with specialization in Medical Biochemistry from an accredited and recognized University. 
    • Master of Science degree in Biochemistry or Medical Biochemistry

    (Those in advanced stages in completion of their PhD studies can also be considered)

    • PhD. or Fellowship will be an added advantage.
    • PhD. registration will be an added advantage


                II.        TECHNICIAN – A/B

    • Diploma  from a recognized institution in any of the following areas:
    • Applied Biology.
    • Medical laboratory sciences
    • KCE Division II or KSCE mean Grade C -(Minus) and above
    • At least three (3) years relevant working experience in a busy Teaching, Research or a Pharmaceutical Laboratory.
    • Those with Diploma in Medical Laboratory Sciences should be registered with KMLTTB and have a valid practicing license.
    • Computer literate
    • Demonstrate leadership and administrative skills.

*Note: Publication Points shall be determined by Commission of University Education Guidelines


  • For Non-Teaching positions, employment will be on Two (2) year contract that may be translated to Permanent and Pensionable terms, based on performance.
  • For teaching positions above Tutorial Fellow, employment will be on Permanent and Pensionable terms.
  • Tutorial Fellows will be employed on One (1) year renewable contract, to a maximum of Three (3) years.
  • The applicants should provide full details of educational and professional qualification, work experience, present post and salary, applicant’s telephone number and e-mail address
  • Copies of certificates and testimonials should also be enclosed giving the names and addresses of three (3) referees who are conversant with the applicant’s competence in area of specialization.

Applicants should write directly to:
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration)

Kenyatta University
P. O. BOX 43844 – 00100

Applications should be received not later than,

27 th April 2020

Kenyatta University is an equal opportunity employer and canvassing will lead to

automatic disqualification.

Women and persons with disability are encouraged to apply.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


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