Please ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes of website accessibility 41st GRADUATION NOTICE


Kenyatta University wishes to inform all students in the Regular, Institutional Based and Digital School programmes who have already completed their studies or will have done so by the end of August 2016 that they can apply for the 41st graduation ceremony scheduled for December, 2016.


• Application is a must for those wishing to graduate.
• Only students without fees balances will be cleared for graduation.
• Application forms are free and available at the respective Deans of Schools’ offices at the Main Campus and also at the Directors’ and Coordinators’ offices in all other Campuses and DSVOL Regional Centers.
• Application forms can also be downloaded at
• Application forms should be filled in quadruplicate.
• One copy of the application form should be submitted to the Dean of the relevant school; the second copy to the Registrar Academic (Central Administration Complex, 1st Floor - Room 128), the third copy to Student Finance, and the fourth copy should be retained by the applicant.
• The deadline for application will be 14th October, 2016.

>>Download the 41st Graduation Ceremony Application Form<<



For further information please contact:
The Registrar (Academic)
Kenyatta University
P. O. Box 43844-00100
Telephone: 020-8710901/2/3 Extension: 3092 or Cell Phone 0786-335111
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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